Mission Statement
Wantage and Grove Food Bank is a practical, community-based project organised by local churches which provides food parcels to those in our area. The Food Bank is intended to provide short-term emergency help to people who find themselves for whatever reason (for example job-loss, benefit problems, ill-health etc.) unable to feed themselves or their families.
Should the Foodbank be in the fortunate position of having surplus funds, the Committee may, on occasion, use these to make a donation to other nearby foodbanks in need, or in exceptional circumstances, to help clients with other necessities for daily living (under the guidance of, and in partnership with, the referring agency).
Food Bank is entirely dependent on voluntary help and donations of food or money. For over ten years it has been generously supported in the community and the Committee would like to thank all the donors, including those who have given anonymously.
Wantage and Grove Food Bank is under the auspices of Wantage Community Church, which is part of Oxfordshire Community Churches, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company number 3223210, registered charity number 1056921.
In 2024 we delivered 1,095 parcels in total, reaching 3,140 people including 1,487 children. In December 2024 we delivered 99 parcels. We also delivered 105 special Christmas parcels.
The Food Bank
How To Get A Food Parcel
How to get a food parcel if you are an individual living in Wantage, Grove or nearby area
If you need a food parcel, you must first contact or visit one of the ‘referral agencies’ listed below, giving your name, address and contact number if you have one. You will be asked for a brief reason why you need the parcel and when you will be at home to receive it. Please let the agency know if you have special dietary requirements, such as being vegetarian, and Food Bank will try to accommodate this.
Referral Agencies
Vale Community Impact (formerly known as Wantage Independent Advice Centre)
16 Market Place, Wantage, OX12 8AE (behind Barclay’s Bank )
Tel. 01235 765348 help@vci.org.uk
Social Services
Job Centres
Your child’s school
Your doctors’ surgery
Your health worker
Your local church www.wantageandgrovechurchpartnership.org.uk
Charities working with people/families in need
These agencies will apply to Food Bank for a parcel for you. Food Bank will then deliver to your home a parcel of food which will last at least three days. (Vale Community Impact may be willing to keep the parcel for you for a short time if you have to collect it.) Usually a parcel will get to you within twenty-four hours, but parcels are not delivered on Saturdays or Sundays.
For one family
Donate Food
How to make donations of food
Thank you for your help for Food Bank. Below is a list of items which go into our food parcels – unfortunately due to storage problems and health regulations we cannot use fresh or homemade food, or items past their ‘best before’ date.
Donations of the following with one or more months to go on their ‘best before’ date are very welcome
Tins or packets of soup
Packets of rice
Tins of fish
Packets of pasta
Tins of meat
Jars of pasta sauce
Tins of tomatoes
Tins of fruit
Tins of potatoes
Tins of rice pudding
Tins of baked beans/spaghetti
Tins of custard (not needing milk added)
Tins of other vegetables
Jars of jam
Packets of biscuits
Packets of teabags
Packets of breakfast cereal
Packets/jars of hot chocolate (not needing milk added)
UHT milk Packets of sugar
Jars of coffee
Large cartons of long life fruit juice
Packets of sweets
Packets of treats
There are a number of places where you can leave your donation of food
The Cornerstone Cafe, 10 Savile Way Grove, nr. Wantage OX12 0PT
The King’s Centre Shop, Unit 3B, Kings Walk, Limborough Rd, Wantage OX12 9AJ (opposite Sainsbury’s)
Vale Community Impact, 16 Market Place, Wantage, OX12 8AE (behind Barclay’s Bank )
The Co-op, 1 Savile Way, Grove, OX12 0PT
Most local churches
In addition Sainsbury’s and Waitrose supermarkets in Wantage town centre usually have collection points for Food Bank donations.
Larger Donations
For larger donations of food such as Harvest festival or Christmas collections please contact us by emailing wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com and we will arrange a time when it can be picked up, or be delivered to us.
Pet Food
We now accept donations of pet food too.
Donate money
How to make donations of money
Wantage and Grove Food Bank are very grateful to accept donations of money as well as food items.
Please make cheques out to ‘Wantage and Grove Food Bank’ and email wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com for the address to send them.
Bank Transfers
Please email wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com for details of bank transfers.
Cash or cheques placed in an envelope marked’ Wantage and Grove Food Bank’ may be handed in at the Cornerstone Cafe in Grove… or The King’s Centre shop… opposite Sainsbury’s in Wantage. If a receipt, acknowledgement, or letter of thanks would be appreciated, the donor’s name and address should be included in the envelope.
We’re very grateful for donations of money
How to donate your time and be a volunteer for Wantage and Grove Food Bank
We are very grateful to all our volunteers who help out in various ways.
In order to be a volunteer for Wantage and Grove Food Bank you will need to have a reference from a local church leader. Email wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com for an application form.
We need volunteers to be on a (usually fortnightly) rota to pack up and deliver food parcels and/or man the mobile phone to receive requests for parcels from various agencies and pass them on to the Food Bank volunteers who are on the rota to deliver them that day or the next.
Some volunteers may be needed to pick up donated food items from the collection points around Wantage and Grove and deliver them to the food bank store, and/or date them and count them into the stock.
In early December we may need extra volunteers to pack and wrap the special parcels Wantage and Grove Food Bank sends out for Christmas.
Training will be given for all these jobs.
All packed and ready to go
Christmas Parcel Scheme
Wantage and Grove Food Bank give out Christmas food parcels in early December to any clients receiving an ordinary food parcel. Extra Christmas parcels can be given to people or families who are nominated by referring agencies. Agencies should contact Wantage and Grove Food Bank on wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com before mid-November to make nominations.
Christmas parcels usually contain a Christmas pudding, a Christmas cake, a tin of ham, a tin of salmon, mince pies, biscuits and other appropriate items, donations of which are gratefully received. Please note that the ‘best before’ date on these items should at least be the January after Christmas.
Christmas too
Harvest Festivals
Many schools and churches give donations to Wantage and Grove Food Bank following their harvest festivals. These are a great help to the work of the Food Bank. Please email wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com to arrange collection of donated items, preferably giving some advance notice of the date. Note that there is a limited list of items we can accept.
Referring Agencies
How to get a parcel for a client if you are a referring agency
Wantage and Grove Food Bank is happy to accept requests for food parcels from any agency which has identified a person/family in need. It is assumed that the agency will also be able to further support the person/family with advice or practical help. Wantage and Grove Food Bank does not accept requests for food parcels from individuals.
We will accept referrals from any relevant agency such as:-
Vale Community Impact, Job Centres, social services, a doctors’ surgery, health workers, churches, schools and charities looking after the well-being of a person/families.
The Food Bank will need
- the client’s name,
- their address and contact number if possible
- the number of adults and children to be catered for
- a brief reason for the parcel
- whether the client will need a repeat parcel in a week’s time
- an idea of when the client is at home to receive the parcel
Wantage and Grove Food Bank will usually try to deliver the parcel within twenty-four hours, but not on Saturdays or Sundays.
Referring agencies may like to receive the Wantage and Grove Food Bank news emails, which can be requested from wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com.
Apply for a food parcel
Other Food Banks
Contact details for other local food banks
Note that these do not all operate in the same way as Wantage and Grove Food Bank.
ABINGDON www.abingdonfoodbank.org.uk
DIDCOT www.didcotbaptist.org.uk
FARINGDON www.ctfaringdon.org.uk
OXFORD www.oxfordfoodbank.org.uk
SWINDON www.swindonfoodcollective.org